Hi, I'm Presley

I am a Full Stack software developer with strong skills in React / Redux, Python, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Java, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, SQL, and many more.

About Me

I am a Full Stack software developer with strong skills in React / Redux, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Java, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, SQL, and MIPS Instruction Set. In addition to my wealth of programming languages, I am also well versed in both design tools such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator along with former experience as a graphic designer.

With my background in layouts and graphic designing, I find I have a strong vision for UI / UX visuals as well as a robust knowledge of the inner workings of the backend data structures that support the frontend.

Passions outside of programming include lots of gaming, Lego building, reading history (I was a history minor in college), and exploring the wonderful forests of the Pacific Northwest.

Coding Proficient

Extensive knowledge of 15 different coding languages including React/Redux, JavaScript, HTML, CSS and Ruby.

Strong UI/UX Designer

Founder of design company serving seven clients with unique design.

Skilled Time Manager

Strong personal sense of timeliness and powerful time management skills.

Team Player

Someone with a strong sense of interpersonal savvy I know how to work well with anyone and everyone.

Agile Learner

Ability to learn and change directions on the fly to best suite the needs of the organization.

Block Builder

Deep lover of Legos and the ability to turn small pieces into a whole greater than the sum of the parts.


A integrated version of my resumé which is also available here or click here to download.


Jitters is a JavaScipt project with the goal of monitoring ones caffeine consumption over the course of a single day. Set your daily limit and watch the waves rise as you move through the day.


Startoff is a clone of the popular crowdfunding site Kickstarter. Written with Ruby on Rails in the backend and React/Redux on the frontend.


A website built on the MERN Stack with a focus on making groups for sporting and gaming activities.